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Glorify Those Graduates

Believe it or not, this school year is going to be over before we know it. That kid who walked off the bus as a little kindergartener is now driving home in mom’s used minivan and getting ready to begin their next chapter of life. Whether that includes a trip to a foreign town with a new college in sight, an honorable career in the military, or a jump straight into the working world, recognizing the accomplishments of a graduate is an honor for the student and their families. Do you have everything you need to celebrate your graduate in style? That’s where we’re here to help - introducing this year’s all-new graduation package.

Our aim is to provide you with the kinds of graduation products your friends will wish they had for their graduation party. Whether its one of our specialty designed banners or another product from our al a carte line, we have you covered. Let us introduce you to our basic package and ala carte options that are sure to please any crowd.

Main Grad Package

Our Main Grad Package Includes a 2’x6’ yard banner and 18x24 autograph poster for friends and family to sign so they can send you off with words of encouragement. Need grommets to hang your banner? No problem. Each set of grommets is only $2.00, so add as many as you’d like based on your hanging needs - if you’re going outside, we recommend adding more (ask us, we’ll help).

Want to add more to spice up the look of your party? Check out our al a carte add-on items which are sure to put that finishing touch. This includes an 18x24 Get-To-Know the Graduate chalkboard print, K-12 photo pennants, Congratulations/Congratulations “Name”/Class of 2019 pennant banner, and Welcome to sign.

The happiness that you have in our prints is why we do what we do. Thank you for trusting us to exceed your expectations and deliver work that is sure to impress. Send us an email at to get your order started today!

Let’s celebrate your graduate in style.

To place an order for the Main Grad Package, click this link:

To Place an order for the Al A Carte items, click this link:

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